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Switching Quotes source from Yahoo to Google



  • Hi Ryano

    I can't code nor write scrip to save my life. But what I did out of desperation was to add "powershell .\Scripts\GetQuotesGoogleIntraday.ps1" into file UpdatePSData.bat

    This seemed the resolve the "Quotes.csv. Date+Symbol should be unique - ERROR. Duplicate records: "

    Not sure if this is the correct step to take but it seems to work for me.
  • Hi again Ryano

    Please ignore. This step is not working for me.
  • Ryano,

    Can you please send me Quotes folder content and PSData folder content
  • I received reports that FactorIntraday does not work with GoogleIntraday scripts.
    To fix this issue:
    1. Download latest version of scripts:
    2. un-block file
    3. Unzip files to temporary folder.
    4. Copy file MakePSDataFiles.ps1 over your existing script that is used.
  • Having an issue with TSE shares. Is it because of the colon?


    Symbol: TSE:WPM
    Found quote file. Looking for quotes starting from: 2017-05-27
    Requesting url:,+2017&output=csv
    TSE:WPM - Not Found (web err)


  • edited June 2017

    It appears that you are putting Canadian symbols in <Google> section, but you should be listing them in <GoogleWeb> section. Try this and post here if you are still having issues.
    <Google> section works if you see download link in "Historical Prices" page (under Historical Chart on the right), otherwise you must use <GoogleWeb>.
    With <GoogleWeb> script goes page by page just like in webpage and extracts quotes.
  • edited June 2017
    Solved. You were right that it was GoogleWeb. Thank you!
  • Over last month there was a lot of script changes. I merged today all changes and updated scripts can be downloaded from original link:
    I noticed that because there were multiple download links, not all links had up to date scripts and this is fixed now.
    Updated scripts now also have ability to rename Symbols in external data files, more info here:
  • edited June 2017

    Since switching to Google for quotes, all is well other than I can't get the index values to work. Can you please outline for the former ^GSPC and ^GSPTSE (now INDEXSP:.INX and INDEXTSI:OSPTX), what to put where, i.e. in src tab under MarketIndex1 and MarketIndex2, in tab srcSymbol under column A, Symbol, column M, Symbol, and columns T and U, SymbolAlias and Symbol.

    As well, should anything be put in psConfig.txt under 'SymbolRename'?

    I have tried various combinations and have only resulted in the pie charts now disappearing from the Dashboard.

    In PowerBI, the Capital Gain% vs. Market index shows both indices in each year at 0.10K%


  • Hi Gary,

    As you are using latest scripts that support SymbolRename, there is no change to your Excel file, all you have to change is in psConfig.txt file:

    To Google Section add line:
    To GoogleWeb section add lines:
    To SymbolRename section add lines:
    This configuration in Google and GoogleWeb will get index quotes and then in SymbolRename section, when creating Quotes.csv file, you renaming these symbols to old names.
  • Vidas,

    Thanks. Unfortunately, I have changed the various cells in the Excel file so often to try various combinations, that I no longer recall what was originally there (yes, I should have backed up). Can you please advise what should be in the cells that I referenced above?

    Thanks so much!

  • Gary,

    I attached images with data you should put into Excel file

  • Vidas,

    Thanks. I have made the changes. The index now works on PowerBI but everything that is non-numbers (Pie charts, choice of year, currency, etc. buttons) has disappeared. I moved the data to another computer with Excel 2016 (from the non-working version on Excel 2013) and it works.

  • Note - latest update (today) brings back ability to get quotes/dividends from yahoo. Please download latest scripts from Download page.
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