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Proper Transaction Recording with Cash Tracking


I have what I think is a simple problem. I am choosing to track cash in my PS workbook. I have only a single investment (a mutual fund) and I made several purchases over a couple year period - these has negative impact on cash balance. Then when I sold my entire position there is a large positive impact on my cash position. So in the end, I have an almost zero cash position (The fund did not grow). Do I have to make a deposit transaction before each buy transaction? That must be the proper way to record these transactions?

Thanks for any help.


  • Also, one more question. When I do sell out and have only cash in my account, why does PS not give me any information for profit or capital gain for the account? Is there a way to see this information at an account level rather than just a symbol level?

    Thanks again.
  • Hi Joelm,

    You have to make deposit transaction before FIRST buy transaction. Really you have to make deposit transaction every time you deposit money into your investment account. If you do that, after sale, you will have cash that you can buy any other MF or ETF or stock.
    To see info at account level, you should see Monthly/Yearly report - that will show you your capital gain/dividends/profit. Hodlings tab just shows your current holdings.

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