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Financial Year

Is there a way to change "year" from normal calendar year to a different starting date? For some strange reason Financial Year in Oz starts on 1st of July. Probably just to be different from the rest of the World :-) So selecting 2019 would pull data from 2018-07-01 to 2019-06-30.


  • It is not supported by default, but if in your Excel you have full PowerPivot support (you see Power Pivot menu), then for Date table you can add calculated column "Fiscal Year" with DAX formula:
    =IF([Mth In Yr]<=6, [Year], [Year]+1)
    Then instead of using "Year" slicer/row value you would have to use "Fiscal Year".
  • I am running Excel as part of Microsoft 365 subscription and it looks that I have access to Power Pivot menu. Will give it a try, but first need to better understand the "plumbing" of Portfolio Slicer. Thanks for your help Vidas.
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