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Known bugs - v2.3

Date: 2016-Jul-28
Portfolio Slicer Version: 2.3
Excel 2010: No bug!
Excel 2013: No bug!
Excel 2016: Bug!
PowerBI: Bug
Measure: "Annlzd RoR"

Description: Annlzd RoR can be calculated for account/portfolio or for Symbol/Symbol Group. This bug affects just Symbol/Symbol Group calculation of "Annlzd RoR". In v2.3 calculation does not include dividends received, so calculated value will be lower than the actual value.

Fix: Fix will be available in the next release. You can also change your measure formula to updated formula:
Annlzd RoR = var tblStart = ROW("Date", IF(PreviousDay(Dates[Date])=Blank(), FirstDate(Dates[Date]), PreviousDay(Dates[Date]))
		, "Payment", IF(PreviousDay(Dates[Date])=Blank(), 0, CALCULATE(Report[Total Value], PreviousDay(Dates[Date])))
var tblTransSymb= SUMMARIZE(Trans, Trans[Date], "Payment", SUMX(Trans, Report[Trans Ext Symb Flow Amnt]))
var tblTransSymb2 = SUMMARIZE(Trans, Trans[Date], "Payment", CALCULATE(SUMX(Trans, Report[Trans Cash Impact]*(-1)), FILTER(TransType, AND(TransType[DividendFlag]=1,TransType[TransType]<>"DRIP"))))
var tblTransAccnt= SUMMARIZE(Trans, Trans[Date], "Payment", SUMX(Trans, Report[Trans Ext Cash Flow Amnt]))

var tblEnd=Row("Date", LASTDATE(Dates[Date]), "Payment", (-1)*CALCULATE(Report[Total Value], LastDate(Dates[Date])))

var tblSymb = UNION(FILTER(tblStart, [Payment]<>0), FILTER(tblTransSymb, [Payment]<>0), FILTER(tblEnd, [Payment]<>0), FILTER(tblTransSymb2, [Payment]<>0))
var tblAccnt= UNION(FILTER(tblStart, [Payment]<>0), FILTER(tblTransAccnt, [Payment]<>0), FILTER(tblEnd, [Payment]<>0)) 

RETURN IF(CONTAINS(Symbol,Symbol[Symbol],"* Cash")
		, IF(NOT(HASONEVALUE(Symbol[Symbol])) && NOT(HASONEVALUE(Symbol[Allocation]) && CONTAINS(Symbol, Symbol[Allocation],"Cash")), IFERROR(XIRR(tblAccnt, [Payment],[Date]), BLANK()))
		, IFERROR(XIRR(tblSymb, [Payment],[Date]), BLANK())
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