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Power BI does not calculate properly

Hi all,

Thank you for providing this great piece of tools. I am fresh user and sofar have set everyting up. The reporting in excel works as intended. However, The Power BI report has issues. I am not sure what the cause is, but for starters it seems that the measure "Total equity" is not calculated (it remains empty.

Can you provide any guidance?




  • I believe you have some missing data.
    1. Go to folder c:\PortfolioSlicer\PSData and check if there is error.txt file. If the file is there, read inside - might explain any errors with our data.
    2. Try reports by switching to "Report Currency" as "*Original*". If that works, then your issue is - you do not have exchange rates from the start of your data up to current date.
    3. Check file c:\PortfolioSlicer\PSData\Quotes.csv. Open in excel and review if you have quotes for each symbol from the date of the first transaction up to now.
  • Thanks for your feedback.
    1. no error file
    2. does not help
    3. some symbols only have quotes starting some months after the firs transaction (MinDate). The symbols are relatively new
  • Can you send me workbook/PowerBI file AND all files from c:\PortfolioSlicer\PSData folder. My email is posted on this page:

    Before sending, could you please do following to protect your privacy/data:

    1. Make a copy of your workbook/PowerBI and save it separately.
    2. In source file Change counts/amounts to make data more private. For example you can leave transactions just in one account and/or for one symbol.
    3. Refresh your Excel/PowerBI to load your changed data into model.
    4. Confirm that in updated report you still experience issue.
    5. Zip and send me files. I will investigate.
  • Thank you for sending me your workbook.
    I see one problem. Here is my explanation based on one Symbol EXX5
    It appears that your symbol is defined as "EXX5", but in quotes file this symbol is " EXX5" - that is there is a leading space. You need to investigate how this space was added to quotes.
  • Hi Vidas,

    That was the trick! The error was in the renaming sction of the config file. I had added a space after the comma for all symbols. Apperently for Excel that does not seem to matter, bur for Power BI it does.

    Thanks for the support!
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