I have followed the walkthrough to setup portfolioSlicer, but I am stuck at this point.
I have added my transactions in the transactions worksheet in the source file and want to refresh the PortfolioSlicer3.1-Reports.xlsx file.
I right-click the allocations table in the overview tab and click refresh.
After some time this leads to an error message:
Excel couldn't refesh the table 'transactions' from connction 'Transactions'. Here's the error message from the external data source.
Column 'TransID' in Table 'Transactions' contains blank vlaues and this is not allowed for columns on the one side of a many-to-one relationship or for columns that are used as the primary key of a table.
When I look in the transactions workbook I don't see any blank lines in the current transactions table
I tested this by adding transactions line by line in the source file or copy-paste all transactions at once. I even downloaded a new source file, but the error keep returning.
Am I forgetting something?
Thanks for looking into this
That is - select any cell in any report, then go to menu "Data" and choose "Refresh All"->"Refresh All".
The difference is:
- When you do "Rrefresh All", Excel loads ALL tables into PowerPivot model and then recalculates all Pivot table reports
- When you do "Refresh", Excel first identifies what tables are used in currently selected report and refreshes just those tables and then recalculates all Pivot table reports.
Thanks again