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YahooIntraday.txt not updating while GetQuotes-YahooIntraday succeed to download uptodate datas

Hi Vidas,
And first of all, a big up for the development of this fantastic tool ! I am using it for several months, and this is much valuable to manage investments compared to any pre-formatted platform. Looking forward to the v3 that you recently propose in Beta version, but before making the jump, I am facing an issue with getting updated datas into PS Excel file, which never occurred till then, while I did not change file/folders locations, no specific updates neither on Windows or MS Suite.

Actually, while digging into the scripts, (which run well, everything OK), I can see that intradays found price is up-to-date, and match with Yahoo Finance datas. All good on this end and below a screenshot where the found price actually match with current trading value

On the other end, Excel still indicates "Last quote" from 2021-02-19, ie yesterday, even though after refreshing power pivot and trying to find out the reason of it, it seems that the datas into the yahoointraday.txt does not update: very few stocks included in and with yesterday date. I am turning around and cannot find any reason why, particularly as it was working perfectly till then, weekend included, which still goes on in the case of cryptos for example, without any market closure.

If you have any ideas how to solve this issue, that would be amazing. I ran several times UpdatePSData, UpdatePSDataIntraday. Thanks a lot in advance ! Ben


  • Ben,
    Feb 20 is Saturday. Intraday quotes will ignore any Sat or Sun quotes. Also, if you already have quotes for specific day (ex Feb 19) from the regular script (GetQuotes-Yahoo.ps1), then intraday quotes will be ignored.
    Try this on Monday and see if this works as I described.
  • Hi Vidas, thanks for your feedback and yes I confirm that it actually refresh and update on intraday basis during the week days. Is there any limitations to allow the external datas working intraday during the weekend as well? That would be much valuable to have the possibility to run intraday 24/7 actually. Is it something that could be upgraded during next iterations? All the best and again a big congrats for the model developed, it rocks. Best, Ben
  • Hi Ben, this behaviour is by design - it is not expected that there will be any updated quotes during the weekend. There is actually a code in place in the script to ignore weekend intraday dates and removing that could cause unintended consequences.
  • Well noted Vidas, thanks for your feedback and we'll live with it! Congrats for such development and all the best, Ben
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