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Error On Refresh

I get this error using Power BI. The Charts do not display.

I also got the same message when I tried to refresh the excel workbook.

Any ideas what I need to do to fix my issue?

Thanks in advance

Error Message:

MdxScript(Model) (12, 187) Calculation error in measure 'Report'[Equity Value]: A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected.

Stack Trace:

Invocation Stack Trace:

Activity ID

Tue Jul 26 2016 22:15:58 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time)

2.36.4434.381 (PBIDesktop)

Error Code

OData Error Message
Failed to execute the query.


  • Are you able to refresh your data in Excel?
    It appears that somewhere you have duplicate quotes.
    Can you please check PSData folder - is there error.txt file in that folder?
    If you cannot figure out issue, then could you please send me your Excel worbkook and PSData folder with data to my email posted on this page:
    I assume that if I'll fix issue with Excel, then PowerBI will refresh without issues.
  • I couldn't work it out so I've sent you the files
  • Hi,

    Thanks for sending me your workbook and data. I can confirm that I was able to reproduce your problem. I identified 3 issues in your data and after fixing first 2 issues I was able to refresh your data without any problems.
    1. You have transactions for symbol GPE.L (it is red cell in Transactions table to show you this problem!!!) , but you do not have that symbol defined in Symbol table - please add this symbol into Symbol table.
    2. In your symbol table you have 12 symbols defined (+ cash), but in quotes file you have quotes for many more symbols - 35 more (!). Please add definitions for these missing symbols into Symbol table.

    After fixing above 2 issues I was able to refresh your data. You can refresh using standard method - in such case at first you will get same error message, but second refresh will go without errors. Or you can choose to do selective refresh for one Symbol table (Data->Connections->Symbol->Refresh) that should do first refresh without errors.

    As some of your symbols are from UK, you have additional problem:
    3. For UK symbols Yahoo/Google provides some quotes in pounds and some in pences. You should identify quotes that are in pences an in psConfig.txt file change FactorIntraday and FactorHistory value to 0.01.

    Example, you current psConfig.txt for

    # Yahoo: list of symbols from Yahoo Finance website. Format: Symbol,MinDate,MaxDate,IntraDayFlag[Y|N],[DividendFlag[Y|N],FactorHistory,FactorIntraDay,FactorDividend
    You can change that to
    If you would need to change dividends to pence, then you would add one more ",0.01" to that same string.


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