Hi All,
I'm a Java dev with very little experience in Finance so please bare with me.
After a few hours persisting I finally got everything setup and linked to Power Bi.
There are however, two issues which I've not been able to solve:
All my Profits are lower than expected by around 2 to 6% can someone point out how I can diagnose this?
All the amounts in srcTrans seem correct, the only fee being £15 per transaction.
All the Quotes values are also correct, matching with the corresponding website.
Secondly, after refreshing all data in excel I get the following message:

Thanks in advance,
This is very unusual error. Is it possible for you to send me your Excel workbook and content of your PSData/ folder so I could investigate? If your are getting error in PowerBI refresh, then I'll need that file too. My email address is listed at this page: http://www.portfolioslicer.com/contact.html
I downloaded your files (after some initial trouble) and during refresh I was able to get error message (but different text).
I found that you edited first System record in Transactions table. Because of that you are not able to refresh your data.
First system record was created there to set all data types. You changed quantity to 1, but supposed to be 0.001. As all of your other records are whole numbers, data model was not able to read data. This is Excel + PowerPivot behavior - I have no control over it.
So please for first record change:
Qty: 0.001
Price: 0.001
Fee: 0.00001
ExchRate: 1.000000010
Second record cannot have TransSubType as "System" - that is special meaning, so please remove that.
After these changes you should be able to refresh your data.
If after refresh you still have issues with lower profits, please let me know. You can send me update workbook and specify symbol that you think should have different profit values.
Unfortunately I'm still having issues with the values in "AccountGBP" which are converted from Pence to Pound.
I've sent you all relevant files by email.
Thanks again for your help.
It appears to me that you specified FactorHistory value, but not FactorIntraday.
So instead of specifying: you should specify: