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Error with v2.4



  • IGross,

    Yes, google made some changes to their financial services website and most of their quotes are not available anymore. Try to use Yahoo or AlphaVantage services, or even Stooq.
  • @VidasMatelis - I have managed to hit this again... and I cannot isolate it to a new addition.

    NOTE that I am NOT stuck. I have recovered - but thought the info might be useful to you.

    Here is what happened:
    1. I had added all my accounts, and all my Yahoo based symbols to psConfig and the workbook and refreshing all (Ctrl+Alt+F5) was working.
    2. Was adding transactions symbol at a time. Note once I started this - I did not run the "UpdatePSData.bat" at all. I had added all my "* Cash" entries (almost all - nothing that would have a negative daily balance), and 4 symbols and was able to do a targetted refresh (Connections - just !Trans table) with no issues.

    However, on adding my 5th symbol - the middle of the refresh hung for a long time (minutes longer than usual) and the excel window went mostly blank for a lot of that time. When it finally recovered I saved the workbook - but then went looking at other sheets. That is when I discovered that the Overview sheet had NO graphs on it and the contents were a few pivot tables that did not look like what I am used to seeing.

    I have subsequently discovered that the sheet was just scrolled very far to the right - so I had NOT lost the graphs - I just had to scroll back to the left.

    But I thought - "No problem, I can get back here very quickly on a new workbook". So I started over with a brand new copy of the Workbook as downloaded and:
    1. Copied all the "src" data - ensuring I was only getting values (not formulas or conditional formatting)
    2. Copied all the "srcSymbol" data (as above)
    3. Copied just the first two transactions on "srcTrans"
    4. Refresh (Ctrl+Alt+F5)

    Note - this is the exact same data files in use as previously worked. And STILL works with the old book (which I am back to using now that I know I had not lost the graphs).

    I then started again with just the two indexes (but the same start date I had been using) - and trimmed psConfig down to just that. And still hit the issue. I restarted my PC just in case. But still cannot refresh.

    Last time I sent these file - they worked fine for you, so don't plan on sending it again. But I can tell you that the error popped up at about 2min 24sec.
  • Igross, can you please send me that workbook and files from PSData folder. I can look into why it is failing to refresh.
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