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Symbol Table


What is the SectorSum column in Symbol Table (v2.4) used for? I currently have values 0%, 100% and 200%, but I do not believe I entered those.



  • Erik,

    Next to the symbol table on the right, there is a SymbolSector table that allows assigning percent to specific sectors. SectorSum column is calculated column that you do not need to update, but it shows Symbols total percent value from that SymbolSector table. Value in this column should be 0% if you do not query by Sector, or 100% if you want to see symbols by sector. Any other value would make reports that use Sector split incorrect - in that case you must review SymbolSector table and make sure that sum of the records for each symbols adds up to 100%.
  • Thanks for your reply. That makes sense. I realize some of the sums were over 100% due entry errors, caused by Excel "smart values".
    For example, when entering 4%, you can use "4" or ".04" and Excel will enter 4%. However, if you want 0.6%, and enter ".6", Excel will use 60%. To get 0.6%, you must enter ".006".
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