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Quotes Always Day Old

My quotes are always a day old and will not update until the next calendar day. Using Excel 2016, Portfolio Slicer 2.4, and scripts 2.4.12. Have had this problem for months and just lived with it. I can force the update by changing the date on the computer and setting it forward one day. Decided to finally ask if anyone else is experiencing same issue.


  • Where are you located (country)? Are you using Yahoo quotes?
    Can you go into PSData\Dates.csv file and check last date - is it todays date or yesterdays date.
  • It is just after 5:00 PM CST in the US. The market has been closed for two hours. I ran the script and the last date in the dates.csv file shows today's date, 26 Feb 20. The last date in all of the quote.txt files is yesterday's date. The quotes are downloaded from Yahoo.
  • If I recall correctly this started after I switched back to Yahoo after using Google quotes. This was during the time period we were forced from Yahoo to Google. Once the download script was modified to allow using Yahoo I switch back ed and commented out all of the stock tickers under the Google category.
  • OK,

    So script that gets Intraday Quotes for yahoo is called GetQuotes-YahooIntraday.ps1. I am assuming you are running UpdatePSData.bat file and that script should be included there, but please check. Next, please check Scripts\Log\GetQuotes-YahooIntraday.txt file - are there any errors in that file and also check last date when that file was created. Then you can also check QuotesIntraDay subfolder - do you have there file YahooIntraday.txt with all then intraday quotes?
  • There are no quotes in the QuotesIntraDay subfolder. The YahooIntraday.txt file was updated when I ran UpdatePSData.bat. It contains entries as follows:

    Symbol: AMZN. Next date: 2020-02-26. Quote file: C:\PortfolioSlicer\Quotes\_AMZN_.txt
    Requesting url:
    ** For Symbol: AMZN new quotes not found (there is no 'D(ib)" data-reactid="34">' in html that came back)

    Symbol: MSFT. Next date: 2020-02-26. Quote file: C:\PortfolioSlicer\Quotes\_MSFT_.txt
    Requesting url:
    ** For Symbol: MSFT new quotes not found (there is no 'D(ib)" data-reactid="34">' in html that came back)
  • Most likely you fo not have LATEST version of intraday script. Download latest scripts, unzio, unblock and cooy over to your script location just that intraday script. This will your issue.
  • I had actually updated the scripts last night before posting but didn't unblock them. I went through unblocked each file then tried again. Same results.

    My initial thought when this stated was it had something to do with Yahoo's policy. But, when I changed the date on my computer to make it the next day into the future and it downloaded the quotes just fine, I changed my mind. Now I see the issue is not with the Yahoo end-of-day quotes, instead it's something to do with the intra-day quotes.

    I've ran this as late as after 10:00 PM at night and the results are always the same: the quotes will not update any newer than a day old.
  • Can you please check datestamp of GetQuotes-YahooIntraday.ps1 script? Should be 2019-02-25.
  • Yes, 2019-02-25, 6:32 PM
  • Can you please do following:
    1. Start Internet Explorer. Do not use any other browser, but Internet Explorer. If you get a message that you need to configure for first time use - that might be the cause. If there is no message about first time use, then continue.
    2. On internet explorer visit page: Do you see latest price for Amazon (for todays quote)?

  • No issues connecting to site:

  • edited February 2020
    Walking through the Powershell script I get to the point where it downloads the webpage into variable $quotesTxt. I redirected the contents of this variable to a text file and searched for the string: D(ib)" data-reactid="34">. This is the string the script is looking for. Not finding it I renamed the file to .html and opened it with a web browser. Doing this allowed me to locate the closing price. Once i had this I renamed the file to .txt again and searched for the price. In my case it shows up as string: D(ib)" data-reactid="52">. I updated the script to use 52 and everything appears to be normal again. I have no idea why mine uses "52" when everyone else is using "34".
  • Thanks for sharing this! This is very strange and you are first to report this issue. I am very glad you had enough tech knowledge to figure this out! But that is why I am such a fan of open scripts - anyone can see what scripts do and can adjust them to their liking.
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