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Cost Basis

OK, I'm in the process of entering my transactions and noticed that the cost basis of my Fund purchases on the srcTrans page do not match the cost on the holdings page. For example, In Feb 2015 my financial advisor purchased 881.213 shares of a fund at $11.13 per share for a total cost of $11,552.70. However on the holdings page the cost basis is listed as $9,183. I have not entered nor has there been any dividends for this fund. I noticed that the other funds also do not match.


  • Hi,

    Possible options why you seeing this are:
    1. Your Symbol currency does not match Account currency and you did not specify conversion. Example, you bought symbol ABC (with USD currency) into account with CAD currency.
    2. You Account currency is different from your Report currency. Example, you account currency is USD and you are looking at reports while your Report currency is set to CAD.
    3. In holdings page you have selection in slicers Year or Month. In such case you see holdings up to selected Year/Month.

    If none of these conditions apply to you, then could you please send me your workbook and \PSData\ folder files so I could investigate. You can leave just one symbol that has problem in your transactions, but make sure that you can refresh and reproduce issue on your edited workbook. My email is posted on Contact page.
  • Yes, although I had the report currency as USD and the transactions were all in USD when I clicked the original currency on the holdings tab the cost basis amounts were corrected.
  • Hi,

    If reported currency in USD and transactions in USD, please double check currency of the symbol - it sounds that is not USD. Please check Symbol table. In your case when Report currency is USD and Account and Symbol currencies are USD, you should be getting same results as Original currency.
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