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Quotes.csv not loading into DataModel

Hi there,

I am having a problem with my quotes file not loading into the powerpivot data model. The csv file is like this:
"yyyy-mm-dd XX.XXXX XIU"

In the data model the quotes table looks like this:
symbol Date CLose
XIU" 42.85333

The date is missing, and there is a strange hanging quotation mark.

Is there a setting I can adjust to fix this?


  • In psconfig file there are ColumnSeparator and DecimalSeparator parameters, but Column separator should not be changed. There is a known issue with Excel 2010 and data refresh, you might need to "repair" office for PowerPivot to work. Can you share more info - Excel version, region you are from, is this new setup or refresh stopped working suddenly?
  • Hi Vidas,

    The column separator in the psconfig file is, in fact, set to tab. The values are tab delimited in the quotes.csv file.

    I have MS Office 365 Home. I have the latest version of Excel so I don't think it's possible that this issue is due to an Excel 2010 issue.

    I am from Canada and have Canadian MS account. I am actually just migrating to PS V2.4 now.

    Also, just to confim, each line in Quotes.csv is contained within quotation marks. I know the other data files do not do this. I think the issue might have something to do with this. I still have not been able to make the quotes data load into the model correctly even after playing with the data has headers option.

  • Can you open quotes.csv in notepad or notepad++ and confirm that you have quotation marks - they should not be there.
  • I have been examining the quotes.csv file in notepad. I can confirm there are quotation marks enclosing each line in the file.
  • Hey Vidas,

    I found that I had one duplicate symbol in my psconfig file. I removed it and re-ran the batch file and my quotes.csv file no longer has quotation marks.

    Pretty strange but it's fixed.

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