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Conditional Formating not working

I noticed that the red flag conditional format in the srcTrans worksheet is not working. No red flag if I accidentally input a wrong Symbol or a symbol that is not in the srcSymbol worksheet. It was working before. Excel crashed last week during a refresh. Could that have caused the problem? All else seems to be working. Please advise. Thanks.


  • It is possible that something got lost during the crash, but I also saw conditional formatting beeing lost during copy/paste data between tables.
    Conditioning format does not impact functionality, but gives you convienience to make sure that you make less mistakes.
    You could fix existing conditional formatting rules. In Excel 2010 select "SymbolName" columns, then "Conditional Formatting"->"Manage Rules"->find and fix rule for $E$2:$E$... rule with format of red background, very close to the end of the. Formula will be:

    =OR(COUNTIF(srcSymbol!$A$2:$A$990, V2)=0, V2="")

    Note - there is another formatting rule for the same column, so find one where rule is very close the end of the rule list (probably second from bottom). Also, possible that AND/OR you might have to adjust Applies to rules value and put value there to match last row in your table (example here when there are 5824 transactions):

  • Thanks; it's working now. I copied and pasted formats and formulas from another (working) table and it seems to have fixed the problem. Formulas are quite complex!
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