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value of equity report calculation over estimated

Quote price issue with the DOT in the price, ex: Price should be 9.82, it will show 982.00 , this is why the equity calculation is too high, why it doing this, i check config file for separator, and it’s default, i work with English united state format.


  • 1. Check quote file and confirm that price there is correct.
    2. Check psConfig.txt file, and if Symbol quote source is from Yahoo, then check factor specified in 6th and 7th position.
    If no factor is specified and there is an error with source data (very common for UK stocks), then you can specify factor of 0.01 that will adjust your symbol price

    Yahoo symbol specification format:
    # Yahoo: list of symbols from Yahoo Finance website. Format: Symbol,MinDate,MaxDate,IntraDayFlag[Y|N],[DividendFlag[Y|N],FactorHistory,FactorIntraDay,FactorDividend

    Example for factor specified:
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