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Portfolio Slicer v3 Feedback



  • An update, modifying the psMakeAllDataFiles file has, as far as I can see, only changed the schema file in psData

    As a consequence i have modified to add the new columns. This has been successful in bringing the data through to Transactions.csv. The one issue is the 2 new columns do not have a header. At this stage I cannot see why not.

    To clarify what I have done:

    Row 189
    + $colSep + $dr.Item("QtyChange").ToString() + $colSep + $dr.Item("TransID").ToString().Replace($colSep," ") + $colSep + $dr.Item("NewColumn16").ToString().Replace($colSep," ") + $colSep + $dr.Item("NewColumn17").ToString() + $colSep + $bvs + $colSep + $tso + $colSep + "0" `

    Row 205
    $schemaFile += "[Transactions.csv]`r`nFormat=TabDelimited`r`nTextDelimiter=none`r`nDateTimeFormat=yyyy-mm-dd`r`ncol1=Account Text`r`ncol2=Date DateTime`r`ncol3=TransType Text`r`ncol4=TransSubType Text`r`ncol5=Symbol Text`r`ncol6=Qty double`r`ncol7=Price double`r`ncol8=Fee double`r`ncol9=ExchRate double`r`ncol10=CostBasisOverride double`r`ncol11=ExchRateRpt1Override double`r`ncol12=ExchRateRpt2Override double`r`ncol13=ExchRateRpt3Override double`r`ncol14=TransID Short`r`ncol15=CostBasisImpact double`r`ncol16=TransID Short`r`ncol16=NewColumn16 Text`r`ncol17=NewColumn17 double`r`n`r`n"

    Row 59 -61 [Note row 60 is a new row]

    + $colSep + $line.ExchRateRpt1Override + $colSep + $line.ExchRateRpt2Override + $colSep + $line.ExchRateRpt3Override + $colSep + $line.TransID ` + $colSep + $cbStr ` + $colSep + $line.NewColumn16 + $colSep + $line.NewColumn17 + $eol;

    So whilst I now have the data in Transactions.csv the column 16 & 17 do not carry a heading, i.e "NewColumn16" & "NewColumn17"

    Obviously I have missed something. Thanks for any assistance that you can provide.
  • CNH - there should not be big performance issues if you add new columns to Transactions table. PowerPivot stores data in "columnar" format, so even it takes a bit more space in memory, the impact of having more columns is minimal.
    The "," in comments should not create any problems as all data is extracted with TAB separator between columns.
  • Thanks Vidas, re my issue on headers for new columns in Transactions.csv I have looked at it afresh this morning and have immediately identified the additional step.

    In GetExcelCostBasis at line 16 is the header text for the data columns.

    Forgive my rambling series of questions yesterday :)
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