It appears Stock quotes on the website use a format that has a " : " as part of the stock symbol lookup name. For example, To request a quote for BlackBerry Ltd on the Canadian TSX exchange, you would use the Symbol Name TSE:BB. The current "GetQuotesGoogle.ps1" script creates the final data file with the name "_TSE_BB_.txt". A modification is needed to this PortfolioSlicer script file so that the Symbol Name located INSIDE the Text file, also has the " : " replaced with a " _ " character.
I am using this script for some of quotes and I have no problems. My understanding is that file name and symbol name inside of that file could be different, but that did not cause any issues. I was told that file names had to be slightly different because of "technical reasons".
Did you encounter any issue with this setup?
I'll check my stuff again, but while waiting for alignment between PortfolioSlicer and the Yahoo website, I switched one of my PortfolioSlicer symbols from Yahoo over to Google. The "Web refresh" operation was completed and I could see the new Google Data file in my "Quotes" folder, with the Symbol File Name was modified by replacing ":" with "_". ( At this time, inside the file, each EOD quote entry still had ":" within the symbol name). When I refreshed PortfolioSlicer, the daily PS tab was still not totally "correct" for me.
Everything within PortfolioSlicer updated, and looked like I think things should look within PortfolioSlicer, only after I went back into the "Quotes" folder, and edited the particular Google Symbol file, by replacing the ":" with a "_" for each daily Symbol Name throughout the file.
Hope this helps the cause.
(Also, I'm a member of AmiBroker, and they also do a "Stock data download" operation from many different stock data sources. They have just released an update to their stock price down-loader program called They cite the need to update the price down-loader program because of some sort of recent format change within the Yahoo wesite (???).)
Keep up your incredible work with PortfolioSlicer - It has become my go-to program that is defining my financial life.
Just follow steps in this post: and you should be able to switch from Yahoo go Google without any problems.
I just switched my portfolio to Google scripts and it is all working perfectly. I am only missing Intraday quotes.