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Hi Vidas,

Portfolio slicer awesome and I particularly like the latest enhancement allowing us to simplify the quote names, this was very useful when Yahoo stopped working and we moved to Google as all my quotes were prefaced with LDN. In the next update, could you consider including unitisation, both accumulation and income units, in portfolio slicer. These would be very useful to monitor portfolio performance when new cash is added and/or when dividends and interest are reinvested.

Or are these measures I could add myself?

Many thanks for your thoughts, and your continuing support



  • Hi,

    Could you please share more details on what you want unitisation to do? Can you give me examples/links on what it is and how it is used?
  • Hi Vidas, heres a link to a UK forum giving details of how to calculate.

    Accumulation - new units are created based on the new monies invested into the portfolio (and units would be cancelled if we withdrew monies). The units are valued based on the stock values and also any cash held (left over from new monies not fully invested or more likely for short-term accumulated dividends).

    In which case, reinvesting dividends would not increase the total number of units, and would not move the unit values as the accumulated dividends (in cash) were already included in the total value.

    Income - The basic principle is the same as that used to calculate accumulation unit numbers and values. But in addition to this, a calculation is needed whenever the portfolio receives income (usually dividends) but only if they are retained within the portfolio. If income is withdrawn, (e.g. to live on!) then neither the number or price of units change.

    However if the income is retained within the portfolio, then this income "buys" additional units, (in contrast to accumulation units, where it simply increases the price of the units already owned).

    With accumulated units, it would be useful to have a measure for dividend per accumulated unit. This would show the underlying performance of dividend income, not just their absolute value.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Many thanks,

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