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QuotesIntraday not updating


Hope someone can assist here...The quotes within my "Quotes" folder are updating correctly. However, the file within my QuotesIntraDay folder is not. In fact, the folder sits empty.

I am not sure why the script is not creating a new Intraday quotes file for me like it did in the past.

Can someone advise?


  • This week Yahoo stopped providing intraday quotes. That includes intraday currency exchange data. Your best option is to see if you can get quotes from Google and then switch to getting quotes from Google.
  • I'm still getting intraday quotes from Google (It's Nov 9 2017).

    As we bounce back and forth between Google and Yahoo as the quote suppliers, it is handy to remember that over in the "psConfig.txt" file, a quote line item can be "commented out" by starting the line with a "#" symbol. I have 2 sets of symbols - one for Yahoo, the other for Google Ticker Symbols, with only one of the symbols active at any given time.
  • Buddyb,

    Yes - google intraday works. That is because script simply goes to the webpage for that symbol and finds price. Yahoo used to have APIs - sort of special request URL that was sending back intraday quotes. But they just stopped supporting last week.
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