I've been having an issue with my Portfolio Slicer updating lately.
Come to find out from the logs - Google has blocked me from extracting web data. I've tried rebooting and clearing cookies but it won't let me download data. Does anyone know a fix?
Portfolio Slicer\Scripts\Log\GetQuotesGoogleWeb.txt
Requesting url:
https://www.google.com/finance/historical?q=CHKR&num=30&start=0&startdate=Nov+25,+2017 CHKR - Not Found (web err)
If I try the link manually in my browser I can see why it won't extract any information:
We're sorry...
... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.
See Google Help for more information.
Download v2.3.2 (2017-Dec-01): External data Download and Management script set (for majority of users).
Works now, sorry about that - but if anyone has something similar now you know!
If anyone has a work around...would love to know
Solution - I would wait at least a few more business days and see if Yahoo will bring back historical data for that symbol. Or you can try to see if there are other sources that you could get quotes for that symbol. Please read this page about quote sources available and how to switch between them: http://www.portfolioslicer.com/scripts/quotes-datasource.html
If Google wants to to prove that you are not a robot, that most likely mean that you submitted too many queries and google suspect that you might be robot. That link you provided works for me without any problems.
There is one known issue that Maxim told me about and send me fix, but it is not included in the latest files. In file GetQuotes-GoogleWeb.ps1 line 38 should be changed from: To:
catch { $reqFailed++; " " + $symbol + " - Not Found (web err) `r`n" | Out-File $logFile -Encoding OEM -Append; $pg=100; continue;} # if attempt to get webpage failed go to next symbol
When in GoogleWeb you have listed Symbol that Google does not recognize, it returns error page. But previously script was re-submitting that request 100 times. So you either can review GoogleWeb section in psConfig.txt and remove symbols that GoogleWeb does not recognize, or you can update code. To see if you are affected by this issue - please check Scripts Log folder file 'GetQuotes-GoogleWeb.txt" and see if you see multiple lines with "Not Found (web err)" in there.
To make google believe that you are not robot stop running script for a while and visit pages on your browser and keep answering captchas or other challenges that Google ask you to do to prove you are not a robot and you should be OK after a bit.
I have switched to the Yahoo quotes and also found that the Mar 15th quotes for quite a number of symbols in Hong Kong are missing. I believe it is the problem of Yahoo.
Also, I have not been sending these intra-day refresh requests more than 5-6 times a day. Yet this issue comes up. Any thoughts? Thanks a lot.