In the PSConfig file I put DecimalSeparator "," (comma) to have the decimal values with a comma as used in excel. The problem is that now it also converts, in Quotes.csv file, the dots contained in the symbols into comma (e.g. CCEUAS.MI becomes CCEUAS,MI). To bypass the problem I had to define the names in the Symbol table with comma.
I do not know if there is a different solution.
Thanks, Fabrizio
This is limitation in Portfolio Slicer - when decimal separator is changed in the Quotes.csv and Dividends.csv, script does global replacement, so symbol is changed to.
Better way would be:
1. In Excel file define symbol as "CCEUAS". Use that symbol in all transactions.
2. In psConfig.txt file Yahoo section specify symbol as CCEUAS.MI
3. In psConfig.txt file section <SymbolRename> add line to rename symbol:
With this setup files Quotes.csv and Dividends.csv will have quotes for symbol CCEUAS and that will match data in Excel.