I am considering exchanging some of my Canadian cash holdings to American so I can purchase some US stocks in the future. How would I input the exchange in PS? In my BMO Investorline RRSP account, I would assume that after the exchange, I would show both the amounts of CDN and USD cash I have. Will PS also show the two currency amounts?
Then when it comes time to purchase the US stock, how do I enter the purchase so that the amount is taken from the USD cash balance.
Thank you.
So normally for your RRSP you would have CAD account and USD account. That is you would normally setup 2 accounts, for example
That is exactly how TD bank handles that and I assume BMO would be the same.
To exchange your cash from CAD to USD you would do 2 transactions:
1. In V-RRSP-CAD you would enter "Withdraw" transaction for symbol "* Cash" for amount 1000.
2. In V-RRSP-USD you would enter "Deposit" transaction for symbol "* Cash" for amount 700 and in ExchRateRpt1Override field you would specify actual exchange rate you used, in above case 1.42 (1000/700). Here I assume that in currency table you specified CurrencyID=1 as CAD and CUrrencyID=2 as USD.
So I guess in essence, I have two sides (CDN and USD) under one account (https://www.bmoinvestorline.com/FAQs/FAQ_US_Dollar.html).
As an example, in BMO, I can purchase shares of RY.TO in CDN, and then later sell them and have the sale settled in USD. This may be the same in all online brokerages (but not sure).
So would the best method be to create a separate PS account (even though technically they are both under the same account in BMO) using your described method?
I did not know that BMO behaves differently. In any way, as I said it would be better to create separate accounts for each currency - much better tracking.