In a very recent refresh, I've gotten an error message that there is a "calculation error in measure 'Report'[Equity Value]: A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected.
I have had also recently an error running the scripts where it will load multiple quotes for a single date and can't figure out why that is happening. I don't know if these are related, but would appreciate any guidance you could offer. Thanks all!
I am assuming you have error.txt file in PSData folder where you will see messages that you have symbols with more than one quote for the same date. In such case you will need to edit files in Quotes subfolder and remove duplicate records.
Lets say error says that symbol CCL has duplicates. You can:
1. Open file Quotes\_CCL_.txt in notepad, find records for dates with duplicates and manually delete these records.
2. Copy files _CCL_.txt and _CCL__Archive.txt out of Quotes subfolder and re-run extract. Re-extracted data will not have duplicates.
After above, you can try refreshing your Excel workbook.