I've added all my symbols to psConfig (Yahoo), srcSymbol and srcTrans and in PSData I added dividends (historical) for each symbol required after looking them up via Yahoo.
I ran UpdatePSData and all my dividend information in Dividends.csv reverted back to the default 2 line file. Why? What did I do wrong, I swear I had it working at one point.
Second question, I added an additional symbol that I'd forgotten and while I see it in the Holdings sheet it has no data points except for the symbol price. The Qty Held on the sheet is null/blank but on the srcTrans I have 10@1.00.
On this page (http://www.portfolioslicer.com/docs.html) search for "How data is stored locally:" and follow the links.
For second question - make sure you are testing with report currency set as "* ORiginal". If that does not help, that means that there is a quote fo that symbol in the last 40 days.