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CurrencyConv Throws Exception

I've been trying to update my workbook but I keep on getting a message that says:

"We couldn't refresh the table 'CurrencyConv' from connection 'CurrencyConv'. Here is the error message we got:

External component has thrown an exception."

I've tried downloading the newest spreadsheet and scripts, but I still get the same problem. Any ideas what is causing the problem.



  • Hi,

    Please double check in psConfig.txt parameter PSDataFolder value. For majority of users this should be C:\PortfolioSlicer\PSData
    If that is OK, then make sure that parmater ColumnSeparator (same psConfig.txt file) is set to TAB.
  • From reading some other threads I had already checked those items, but I just double checked and they are as you indicated.
  • Can you please send me all files from c:\PortfolioSlicer\PSData folder. My email address is posted on this page:
  • edited September 2018
    You PSData files looks OK. I will need your Excel file to investigate further. It is likely that one of the Excel tables has data with some problems and you are getting an error on currency conversion file just because this is the first file loaded. So please send me your Excel file.
    Or as alternative - you can download latest Excel file and scripts, run scripts without changing psConfig.txt so you have no data specific to you. If your refresh succeeds, then this would confirm that issue is with one of your data tables (Symbol/Allocation/Account, etc). If refresh fails, then there is an issue with the environment - maybe Excel version not right, or something else.
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