Hello, I just starting using this spreadsheet and have an issue where stocks are not visible in the holdings tab. I can view them individually using the drop down menu. However, when using "select all" it doesn't work and defaults back to the last holding I viewed. I'm sure it's something simple. Any guidance would be much appreciated... thanks
If you believe you have all quotes, you can send me your workbook (just Excel file) and I'll investigate. My email is posted on this page: http://www.portfolioslicer.com/contact.html
Symbol: ^GSPTSE. Next date: 2019-02-09. Quote file: C:\PorfolioSlicerDemo\Quotes\__GSPTSE_.txt
Requesting url: https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/^GSPTSE?period1=1549670400&period2=1549888958&interval=1d&events=history&crumb=6uPjIuEOKHl
^GSPTSE - Not Found (web err)
Symbol: ^GSPC. Next date: 2019-02-09. Quote file: C:\PorfolioSlicerDemo\Quotes\__GSPC_.txt
Requesting url: https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/^GSPC?period1=1549670400&period2=1549888958&interval=1d&events=history&crumb=6uPjIuEOKHl
^GSPC - Not Found (web err)
Symbol: MSFT. Next date: 2019-02-09. Quote file: C:\PorfolioSlicerDemo\Quotes\_MSFT_.txt
Requesting url: https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/MSFT?period1=1549670400&period2=1549888958&interval=1d&events=history&crumb=6uPjIuEOKHl
MSFT - Not Found (web err)
Not sure why MSFT is not updating?? I'll send you the workbook for you to look at it. Thank you!!!
NextDate: 2019-02-09... That means that quotes up to 2019-02-09 were already received and new quotes are not available yet so this is absolutely normal.
Here are your issues:
1. For ...USD account you have symbol MFG? (? for your privacy) that was bought 2016-01-02, but your first quote is for 2017-08-07. It appears that yahoo finance does not have quotes before 2017-08-07. Edit manually file c:\PortfolioSlicer\Quotes\_MFG?_.txt and add one quote per month between 2016-01-02 and 2017-08-07. If you cannot find actual quotes, just use first price you have.
2. For ...USD account second problem is that your first purchase is in 2014-12-31 for MSF? symbol, but first deposit is for 2016-01-02, so after first purchase your cash balance was negative and Portfolio Slicer cannot track situation like that.
After fixing these 2 issues above, you should be able to select ..USD account in holdings and see results.
For ...CAD account you have a few symbols with missing quotes that you need to address:
F0..1V.TO: no quotes between 2016-04 and 2019-01
F0..PX.TO: no quotes
PB?.TO: no quotes for 2018-08, 2018-09
VB?.TO: no quotes for 2018-08
VX?.TO: no quotes for 2018-04
You might have to manually add quotes to resolve this.