there is a comma in the symbol transfer in entry. The other entries do not have one.
Also have I entered the information correctly. I entered the start cash (blacked out) , then the 4 USD transactions that preceded the start date along with the CADUSD conversion rate.
I'm scared to refresh until I understand the seemingly arbitrary comma issue.
I made some sort of incorrect field entry previously and thought I undid it. So I assume that is the cause.
Could you please clarify - what issue you have. You said "there is a comma in symbol entry" - is that in the symbol name?
So just go into that column and re-type same number without comma - 4969.62. If after you typed that value comma will appear - that means this is just value formatting, so you can leave it as is.
Based on what I see - this is just a value formatting - if you would enter comma and that value would be string (not number), it would be aligned left. As now this value is aligned right, I believe this is proper number and looks good to me.
Thank Vidas.
Things are getting rocky and my TD account RDSP does not separate USD and CAD transactions. It is very difficult with out your program to see what is going on in my portfolio.
Thanks again!
I have my RRSPs and TFSAs in TD as well. But i have RRSP USD and RRSP CAD and all transactions in these accounts are separate.
Sadly with the TD RDSP the USD and CAD transactions are not separated. The USD transactions come out of an invisible wash account as it where. See attachment. Note the USD holdings show the purchase price in USD and the current price in CAD and the total value in CAD for USD stocks. TD give no indication they will fix this soon.
On another matter I can enter decimal places in the allocation table with no problems but in the overview slicer it rounds them up or down. Is this correct? I an using v2.4.08 for the workbook and v2.4.11 for scripts.