Hi have been getting this error for one particular stock and I can't seem to clear it or fix it.
Error Message in the Error Log is as follows;
Quotes.csv. Date+Symbol should be unique - ERROR. Duplicate records:
Have seen suggestions about ensure that in the quotes directory to make sure there are no duplicate entries in the _ADI.AX_ file screen shot for the file around the above dates shows no duplicates.
As you can see there isn't even a record for 2019-08-01
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Please check files in the folder QuotesIntraDay - you should see duplicates there. Then delete all files from QuotesIntraDay subfolder - and run again. If issue persist, then please post here and I'll investigate more.
There was only 1 file in QuotesIntraDay and it had only 1 record in it. The Symbol ADI used to be IDR which is the symbol in the IntraDay file. Maybe it has something to do with how I have mapped them, I will resend the files to your email address again and include the PSData file in case that is the problem.
Really appreciate all of the assistance here.
So you should do one of the following options:
Option1: Remove (comment out with first line character #) symbol IDR from psConfig.txt yahoo symbol list. As you no longer getting quotes for that symbol - you do not need to include it in the list
Option 2: Change IDR symbol line in psConfig.txt file so that it would not get intraday quotes:
Your issue is that when you get both ADI and IDR intraday quotes, later script renames IDR to ADI, so duplicates appears.