My PC is running scripts now, yeah

Tried the work around using the bypass in the script, but that didn't work. Just works in "Unrestricted", I'll change it back to restricted. This is the new error, as instructed I changed the date to 2013-12-31 and here is the error. Thanks for any help
There are 2 issues I see based on your error message:
1. You need to update PowerShell on your PC. Use following link: Download the correct package for your operating system and architecture.
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
64-bit versions: Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu
32-bit versions: Windows6.1-KB2506143-x86.msu
2. You most likely did not unblock zip files, so you are getting extra security warning. To remove security warning:
- Unblock each .ps1 file and .bat file (right mouse click, then check "Unblock").
- Delete existing files (keep copy of psConfig.txt), then re-download zip files, unblock and then unzip.
However, I am not totally clear about the second part of 2. in your solution. Do you mean I have to delete all the .txt data files generated? And do I download again all the data management scripts and files associated?
I have another problem which I will just post here. If this is inappropriate, I will start a new post.
I have successfully added transactions, mostly dividend transactions. Everything appears ok until I added a third currency, MYR - Malaysian Ringgit (initially, I only had USD and SGD). Then I get this error when I update on the Holding Sheet. Please see attached image.
Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Second question part 2 was an option - you either unblock each .ps1 file, either you re-download zip, unblock zip and then extract .ps1 file. As you unblocked each .ps1 file - you are good to go.
I am not sure about your error, could you please send me your workbook and all files from PSData folder - I'll investigate. My email is posted on this page:
In srcTrans worksheet cell A1 you accidentally renamed column "Account" to "9.5". Because of this you cannot refresh data. Just rename column back and refresh your data.
Many thanks for the trouble-shooting and the quick response as well. It solves my problem! Very careless of me to have changed the header name. I noticed that while the calculation now proceeds successfully when I do a 'refresh all' of the data, I still have a red cell (in the currency column - which has value of MYR which I have bolded below) in srcSymbol tab as in the following:
3255.KL Heineken Malaysia Berhad MYR 0.00% MYR Broad
While it does not seems to cause any problems, I am not sure if this will result in any reporting error elsewhere.
Best Regards,
K L Teh
1. Select any cell inside srcSymbol table, then Home->Conditioanl Formatting->Manage Rules
2. Select rule that says "Applies to" and values "=$C$2:$C:?" and then click "Edit Rule..." above.
3. Very carefully edit rule (delete or back my add code to rule, so pay attention):
Change rule from To: