Hi Vidas,
I am creating User Defined Data files for my historical, and often obsolete Mutual Fund accounts. I have paper statements with the fund prices usually once every 3 months. Will there be any calculation issues with this sporadic data entry level? Will there be any issues with historical data files NOT containing daily prices?
Thanks in advance.
(I really like the T1135 report Tab in PSv2.3. A great addition!!!)
You need to have one quote per month in your manual files. If you will have gaps larger than that, then in those month value of that symbol will drop to 0 - not good.
For manual quotes I usually first get my statements and get quotes into file, then fill in missing months using first day of the month.
For mutual funds please check google finance as source - they have a lot of canadian mutul funds. But do a search using name, not ticker.
Release of T1135 was an accident
I hope you consider keeping the T1135 tab "Mistake". I find it very useful keeping track for the balancing of stock winners and losers throughout the year.
It may sound simple to you but I see it as a key tracking tool that I have not seen in very many other program packages.
Good to hear about the need for at least 1 quote per month. I've been shaking all the trees in the world for some time trying to collect price histories. I have an account with StockCharts.com and is good for individual historical stock quotes, but somewhat lacking with MF data. (I wonder is a script can be easily made to poll this source - that might have been my inside voice).
It's amazing how some mutual fund groups manage to bury information related to many of their past non-performing funds. (sigh).
Thanks again for all you are doing!