I entered the BIPC spin-off from BIP (1 BIP -> 1 BIP + .11 BIPC) as described in your March 2019 reply to Jeremy re: the Alcoa/ARNC transaction - namely using the SymbolTransferOut and SymbolTransferIn transaction types to adjust the ACB of BIP and to record the transfer in of the BIPC shares at the appropriate ACB. What is happening though is that the SymbolTransferIn transaction for BIPC is showing up as a deposit on the "Deposits" tab. This seems to be misleading as there is no net new money being deposited in to the account. The transfer in/out of the BIP shares do not show up on this tab (but maybe they netted each other out though). Should this transaction show up as a deposit? If not, how should it be recorded so it doesn't?
When you do SymbolTransferOut - Price x Qty should be the same as new SymbolTransferIn Transaction or transations. If these amounts are the same, total deposit/withdrawal amount should end up beeing 0.
I wonder if the BIPC transfer in should be recorded as Price = 0 and CostBasisOverride being $52.50 in this example?
1. Qty x Price for SymboltransferOut should be Equal Sum of QtyxPrice of SymbolTransferIn.
This is not what you have. Currency SymbolTransferOut = 1 x 52.25 = 52.25. SymbolTransferIn is 1 x 52.25 + 0.1111x52.25 = 58.05. Please adjust these prices, so that they make sense, because lets say you will set Symbol2 Price as 0.10, but in Quotes.csv file price will be 10, so you will have huge jump that day for capital gain. So identify price difference - lets say 80% / 20% and use that to calculated price.
2. The same way should be for Cost basis. Most likely you just need to override CostBasis just for SymbolTransferIn operations, that is if you original CostBasis was 58.67, split that cost basis between these 2 symbols in a way that makes sense - that is use same 80% / 20% original cost basis assignment.
Thank you for sharing your calculations - this will help other users in a similar situation!