Dear Vidas Matelis,
I am a new user, just started today, with Portfolio Slicer. I have run into a problem with the script downloading data from Google. After 4 attempts at running the UpdatePSData.bat file with different scripts for the Google Finance symbols, I started troubleshooting from the step by step guide.
When I run,+2017 in the documentation, I got the following error message from Google:
" We're sorry...
... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now."
I have attached a picture of the UpdatePSdata.bat file output using the PSConfig_demo.txt file with no changes except renaming the file so the UpdatePSdata.bat file would run it. I have included the GetQuotes log files from that run. For each symbol, an error message was received. Here are a couple of examples: "GOOG - Not Found (web err)", MSFT - Not Found (web err)
Are the Google URL's pointed at the correct Google Web pages or am I making some other basic error?
Ken Smith
Google removed their support for free quotes. Try using Yahoo quote services.