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getting started - script permissions?

I'm new to PS, but the recommendation from The Prudent Investor convinced me to try.
I'm started setting up the files, and I discovered the requirement to "unrestrict" access to PowerShell for the script package. And I have some questions about this:
Q1) Are the scripts signed? And is it therefore possible to run powershell in a signed mode?
Q2) There is a post about bypassing the powershell restrictions by updating the UpdatePSData script to include a -bypass flag. But when I open the UpdatePSData script to edit it, I see that bypass flag is already set -- which I assume is recent update. So, is there any need to change the PowerShell restrictions at all anymore?
Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Hi Spep99,

    Scripts have changed over time and many of them are managed by other volunteer.
    A1 - Scripts are not signed.
    A2 - Yes, you should be able to run scripts without changing PowerShell restriction. I believe these bypass flags were added later by somebody recommendation, but the documentation was never updated.
  • Dear Vidas,

    Thank you very much. I can indeed run the scripts without changing policy.

    I have a follow up question now. I've added necessary inputs to the psconfig.txt file. I am just starting with a few mutual funds to get used to how everything works. I got the Dates file generated without problems. So step 1 is done.

    But i cannot generate a quotes.csv file that passes the CheckFiles test. I error at almost every level (see below)

    >14:02:38 File Quotes.csv. Record count: 0
    >Quotes.csv. Row count - must be at least 2 (header and at least one record) - ERROR
    >Quotes.csv. First row (file header) should be 'Date Close Symbol' - ERROR. Actual value: ''
    >Quotes.csv. Each row should have exactly two column separators (' ') - OK
    >14:02:38 File Quotes.csv check completed. Errors found - please review

    The thing is, I used your example Quotes.csv file as a model and just changed the inputs a bit. ERROR. Then I tried importing the data from Notepad, where I had everything set up exactly in the format I see on the ...quotes-data page. Still ERROR. I tried saving the Quotes.csv file as tab-delimited. Still ERROR. I cannot figure out how to get the basic Quotes.csv file to work with TABs ... i think partially because I cannot see the tabs. And also because if i copy-paste these inputs back to Notepad...they come with quotes.

    Here is my input data from Notepad:
    Date Close Symbol
    2014-12-31 1.0000000001 * Cash
    2020-07-01 27.70 MSAVX
    2020-09-30 28.28 MSAVX
    2020-07-01 32.14 ASIAX
    2020-09-30 35.54 ASIAX
    2020-07-01 24.61 OEGAX
    2020-09-30 26.49 OEGAX
    2020-07-01 11.61 FSTEX
    2020-09-30 9.60 FSTEX
    2020-07-01 10.39 IIBCX
    2020-09-30 11.03 IIBCX
    2020-07-01 17.39 LCEIX
    2020-09-30 17.93 LCEIX

    Perhaps its just that I'm really naïve about how this stuff works in excel, but do you by chance have a tip for me about how to get this working?


  • OK, I may be a bit dense. I went back to the how to get started page and ran the UpdatePSData batch file, and what do you know -- a properly formatted Quotes.csv file was generated. On to next steps
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