I'm new to PS, but the recommendation from The Prudent Investor convinced me to try.
I'm started setting up the files, and I discovered the requirement to "unrestrict" access to PowerShell for the script package. And I have some questions about this:
Q1) Are the scripts signed? And is it therefore possible to run powershell in a signed mode?
Q2) There is a post about bypassing the powershell restrictions by updating the UpdatePSData script to include a -bypass flag. But when I open the UpdatePSData script to edit it, I see that bypass flag is already set -- which I assume is recent update. So, is there any need to change the PowerShell restrictions at all anymore?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Scripts have changed over time and many of them are managed by other volunteer.
A1 - Scripts are not signed.
A2 - Yes, you should be able to run scripts without changing PowerShell restriction. I believe these bypass flags were added later by somebody recommendation, but the documentation was never updated.
Thank you very much. I can indeed run the scripts without changing policy.
I have a follow up question now. I've added necessary inputs to the psconfig.txt file. I am just starting with a few mutual funds to get used to how everything works. I got the Dates file generated without problems. So step 1 is done.
But i cannot generate a quotes.csv file that passes the CheckFiles test. I error at almost every level (see below)
>14:02:38 File Quotes.csv. Record count: 0
>Quotes.csv. Row count - must be at least 2 (header and at least one record) - ERROR
>Quotes.csv. First row (file header) should be 'Date Close Symbol' - ERROR. Actual value: ''
>Quotes.csv. Each row should have exactly two column separators (' ') - OK
>14:02:38 File Quotes.csv check completed. Errors found - please review
The thing is, I used your example Quotes.csv file as a model and just changed the inputs a bit. ERROR. Then I tried importing the data from Notepad, where I had everything set up exactly in the format I see on the ...quotes-data page. Still ERROR. I tried saving the Quotes.csv file as tab-delimited. Still ERROR. I cannot figure out how to get the basic Quotes.csv file to work with TABs ... i think partially because I cannot see the tabs. And also because if i copy-paste these inputs back to Notepad...they come with quotes.
Here is my input data from Notepad:
Date Close Symbol
2014-12-31 1.0000000001 * Cash
2020-07-01 27.70 MSAVX
2020-09-30 28.28 MSAVX
2020-07-01 32.14 ASIAX
2020-09-30 35.54 ASIAX
2020-07-01 24.61 OEGAX
2020-09-30 26.49 OEGAX
2020-07-01 11.61 FSTEX
2020-09-30 9.60 FSTEX
2020-07-01 10.39 IIBCX
2020-09-30 11.03 IIBCX
2020-07-01 17.39 LCEIX
2020-09-30 17.93 LCEIX
Perhaps its just that I'm really naïve about how this stuff works in excel, but do you by chance have a tip for me about how to get this working?