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Retrieving quotes for Telus instead of AT&T

I am sure you have answered this before, but I couldn't find it by Searching. I have AT&T (NYSE) in my portfolio and have recently added Telus (TSX). In the Symbols list section of the script for I have them listed as:


To keep them separate in the PS spreadsheet I use "US." as a preface to the symbol for US securities and "CA." for Canadian securities. So in the Symbol Rename section of the script I have:


For results, I get both _T_.txt and _T.TO_.txt files in the Quotes folder. I also get values for both US.T and CA.T in the quotes.csv file.

Unfortunately the values for both symbols are the same - the stock price for Telus???


  • First try to change order for symbol renaming:


    If that does not help, then can you please open script file spMakeAllDataFiles.ps1
    and check very end of the file, and make sure that rename lines are like this:
    # #######################################################################################
    # ######################## Symbol rename for Quotes.csv and Dividends.csv files
    # #######################################################################################
    $qFileName = $psDataFolder + "\Quotes.csv"; $dFileName = $psDataFolder + "\Dividends.csv"; $renameCount = 0;
    if ((Test-Path $qFileName) -and (Test-Path $dFileName)) {
        $listStart = $config.IndexOf(""); $listEnd = $config.IndexOf("");  
        if (!($listStart -eq -1 -or $listEnd -eq -1 -or $listStart+1 -ge $listEnd)) {
            $qFile = @(Get-Content -Path $qFileName); $dFile = @(Get-Content -Path $dFileName);
            $list = @($config | Select-Object -Index(($listStart+1)..($listEnd-1)));
            ForEach($line in $list) { 
                $a = $line.Split(",");
                if($a[0] -ne "" -and $a[0] -ne $null -and $a[1] -ne "" -and $a[1] -ne $null) {
                    $oldSymb = $colSep + $a[0].Replace("^","\^")+"$"; $newSymb = $colSep + $a[1]; $renameCount++; # adding $ to end to specify that change can be done just at the end of the line.
                    $qFile = $qFile -replace $oldSymb, $newSymb;
                    $dFile = $dFile -replace $oldSymb, $newSymb;
                } #if
            } #ForEach
            $qFile | Out-file $qFileName -Encoding OEM -Force;  
            $dFile | Out-file $dFileName -Encoding OEM -Force;  
    If lines look different, then you need to download latest script.
    Let me know if that does not help.
  • Not sure why, but I re-ran the scripts today - BEFORE making the changes you suggested - and it picked up the correct quotes. The only difference I can see is that when I ran it yesterday it was before the markets opened. Don't know if that is relevant or not. Will keep an eye on it for the next little while.
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