Recently, when I look at the Daily tab, I am seeing the market closed days (weekends and Holiday) reported as zero in the Daily Capital Gain/Loss chart and the Last 12 Days value table (I am still using 2.4.08). While technically this is correct, I am pretty sure these days never used to show up.
I checked Quotes.csv and each symbols quote.txt file and there are no weekend values in either of those files.
Did something change in Excel perhaps, or did I change something?

But about a month ago there was new script released that changed how quotes are received from Yahoo, so I suspect that might have introduced some side effect.
Even you said that in Quotes.csv there are no quotes for weekend, can you please double check that again - could you please open quotes.csv file in the notepad and do a search for weekend day, for example search for string 2014-05-25
I have a separate spreadsheet for my crypto investment than my RRSPs, but I guess because there is data on the weekend for some symbols in quotes, it then causes these zero value days in my RRSP spreadsheet.
I will have to re-think how to do this, as I dont like the weekend zero values in my RRSP spreadsheet. Please let me know what you think is the best way to handle this.