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Slicer Set-up Issue

I can't seem to find the problem when trying to run the UpdatePSdata. Can someone point me to a couple of solution.

Many Thanks.


  • Do you have just a single account? If so, can you please add one more account to your table and run scripts again.
  • I am not too sure what you mean, unfortunately...
  • In PortfolioSlicer3.1-Source.xlsx workbook there is a tab/worksheet "Account". In that worksheet first line is headers for Account table. After that there are account records. Do you have just a single account record? That is do you have just a data in Row 2 and no data in Row 3? If so, can you please try adding data in row 3 and see if that fixes issue.
  • Hello, thank you very much, the code is running with no 'red code' and seems to work. My only concern now is why do I have to CSV files in the 'quote' file?
  • edited October 10
    First - make sure in psConfig.txt file section Yahoo you specified symbols you want to get quotes for.
    For example:

    If that is setup, then go to scripts\Log subfolder and check file GetQuotes-Yahoo.txt and see if you see any errors reported there.
  • It seems there is an error
  • Hi,

    It appears you have old scripts. Yahoo keep changing how they provide quotes and recently they implemented big changes.
    Go to download page: and download latest "External data download and management" scripts. Currently latest version is from Oct 03.
    Extract files to temporary folder and then unblock them and copy over to your script location, but copy just scripts - do not override your existing psConfig.txt file.
  • Thanks for all the help @VidasMatelis It seems like I have another error. But at least now, I have .CSV in quotes
  • As per error message - you have quotes for symbol AAPL (and others), but you have not added that symbol to Source workbook Symbol worksheet.
    So you need to setup all tables in Source workbook. More info here:
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