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errors in new migration to Version 3


Hoping to get some insight into the cause/correction for the errors shown on the attached file. Running windows 11, 2024 Excel, 64 bit version..... if that makes any difference.



  • I am guessing that in Transactions worksheet you have some issues, but it is hard to guess what.
    In such cases I do following:
    1. Make a copy of your PortfolioSlicer-Source.xlsx file. Save it in different folder as you will have to restore it later.
    2. Remove last 50 transactions from your PortfolioSlicer-Source.xlsx file (the file in original location that is used by script) and try run scripts again. If scripts work OK, copy back original file and review these 50 transactions and try figure ouw what could be wrong with them. Maybe date is not date, numbers have other characters, etc.
    3. If step 2 did not fix problem, delete another bunch of transactions and check if after that refresh works. If works, then just like in step 2 restore back original file and maybe remove less transactions and try figure out what is wrong with these transactions that start working after removing them.
  • will do...thanks
  • decided to try some more dividend transactions on other accounts that contain the same stocks......the dividend from that one stock fails to show up in the other accounts also....seems to be just this one stock giving the regular report problems.....not giving the light version a problem ..not giving Power BI a problem either.

    will keep trying different things...perhaps just accept that this one stock is going to be a problem for the regular report

  • You should not have strange issue with one symbol, if you do, better to figure out early until you have not invested too much time.
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