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CurrencyFrom 'EUR' in CurrencyConv.csv but not in ReportCurrency.csv

I started setting up portfolioslicer, but following your guide I get stuck on rerunning the UpdatePSData.bat script after adding the currencies I am interested in.
I Have change the currencies in the config file, but this error message keeps popping up:

16:47:48 Script: Yahoo Historical . Quotes Requested/Succeed/Failed/Rows: 1/1/0/0. Duration: 1 sec. 16:47:49 Script: Yahoo Intraday . Quotes Requested/Succeed/Failed/Rows: 1/1/0/1. Duration: 0 sec. 16:47:50 Script: ExchRate ECB . CurrExch Requested/Succeed/Failed/Rows: 2/2/0/0. Duration: 1 sec. 16:47:52 Script: ExchRate YahooID . CurrExch Requested/Succeed/Failed/Used: 2/2/0/0. Date: . Duration: 1 sec.
16:47:53 Script: Archive Quotes . Archived rec count: 0. Duration:
16:47:53 Script: MakeAllFiles Finished creating all data files. Duration: 1 sec.
16:47:54 Script: Create Dates . Dates: 3313. Duration: 0 sec.
16:47:55 Script: Append GenQ . GenQuotes SymbolCount/RecCount: 0/0. Duration: 0 sec.
16:47:55 Script: ExtractExcelData . Duration: 1 sec.
16:47:56 Script: CalcCostBasis . Duration: 0 sec.
CurrencyFrom 'EUR' in CurrencyConv.csv but not in ReportCurrency.csv
CurrencyTo '' in CurrencyConv.csv but not in ReportCurrency.csv
16:47:57 Script: CheckFiles . Duration: 1 sec.
***** Generated PS files were checked - errors were found, please review *****

Any suggestions?


  • I am assuming you do not want EUR in your currency list.
    To remove EUR from your currency list do following:
    1. In psConfig.txt file, Currency section remove EUR from currency list.

    2. In your extract folder find folder CurrExch and remove filed that include EUR. That is CAD_EUR.txt, EUR_CAD.txt, USD_EUR.txt, EUR_USD.txt
    3. Run extract scripts and confirm that files in CurrExch folder were not re-created. If they were - make sure you done Step1 in psConfig.txt file.
    4. in your extract folder find folder CurrExchIntraDay and confirm that in the file there YahooCurrExchIntraday.txt where are no records for EUR currency.

  • I actually do want EUR in my currency list. I have changed the psConfig.txt file like this:

    # Currency: list of currencies that you need exchange rates between (from Bank of Canada website). Example: USD,CAD,EUR


    But the script does not seem to read this correctly.
    However, I do have exchange rates for EUR to USD in the CurrencyConv.csv file.
  • In this case go to -Source.xlsx workbook, select worksheet ReportCurrency and then add EUR to the list.
  • This works. Thanks.

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