One stock that i track in my portfolio is SDZNY (Sandoz Group, from Germany) . I get the historic quotes from YAHOO. For some reason, PS retrieves a quote for the day i am updating instead of just up to yesterday. That is to say, if downloading quotes for stocks on the 27th of February, at noon say, the system downloads numbers for up to the date February 26 for all stocks, including SDZNY....but in the reports, PS gives SDZNY a value on the 27 of february..and that value is not accurate.... The actual value of the stock is around $44 a share but PS sees it as $126 in the reports ....on the 27th of February. It sees the correct value for the stock on each day prior to the 27th of february. This pattern happens each day.....
What am I doing wrong?
Sorry if this does not make sense.....
To disable intraday quote to do Scripts folder and edit file psConfig.txt
In the Yahoo section you have list of symbols that you want to get quotes for. Each symbol string is specified in the format:
For for symbol SDZNY to disable intraday quotes specify 4th parameter and N, that is:
Please post here if that helps with your problem.
Thank you very much, that did solve the problem. I am getting accurate numbers now for the value of the stock. Appreciate the help!