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Yahoo quotes returning "Not Found (web err)" for all securities

Ran the scripts this morning to update quotes from Yahoo. The log files show "Not Found (web err)" for all of the securities. The script worked last weekend, wondering if Yahoo changed something recently?


  • I'm getting the same result.
  • I am getting the same response. Not sure what Crumb meaning is, but script is not working, maybe Yahoo made a change on 9/1.

    09:12:13 --- Starting script GetQuotes-Yahoo.ps1
    Symbol count: 106. MinDate: 2013-12-31
    Crumb start not found
    Crumb start not found
    Crumb start not found
    Symbol: AAPL. Next date: 2024-08-31. Quote file: C:\PortfolioSlicer\PSv3.1.0\Empty\PSDataExtract\Quotes\_AAPL_.txt
    Requesting url:
    AAPL - Not Found (web err)
  • Since yesterday, friday 6 sep 2024 I receive for each stockticker this message

    "{"finance":{"result":null,"error":{"code":"unauthorized","description":"User is not logged in"}}}:

    Yahoo made changes and now the download procedure using query1 does not work anymore
  • From the reddit yahoo finance forum:

    Apparently they have removed functionality to download historical data.

    Current workaround is to make following changes:

    -change "query1"to "query2""
    -change "v7" to "v8"
    -change "download" to "chart"

    Instead of downloading a .csv file you get to open a JSON file containing same data. You get same outcome, but in a different container.

    I am yet to implement a solution on how to parse this JSON file in same way as i would parse the .csv file.
    Anyone welcome to contribute, thanks!

  • It appears that Yahoo has put the ability to "unlock" historical data, including "Exporting historical data to CSVs" behind a pay wall - making it available for the low, low price of $39.95 /month. See:

    Looks like Yahoo may no longer be a viable source for downloading quotes, although getting the data from the "Charts" may work (as noted by fsroby above, but will likely require significant changes (way beyond my capability) to the "GetQuotes-Yahoo.ps1" script.
  • I am investigating this and will let you know what are our options.
  • edited September 10
    I came across this coder who has kindly shared an Excel Macro with a fix to query and fetch historic data from Yahoo. I know a little bit of Powershell but no clue when it comes to VBscript. Perhaps Vidas can look into it and incorporate the functionality.
  • Status update - we have a new volunteer @newuser who is currently working on updated scripts. Most of the stuff already working, we are just doing some final tests before release.
  • awesome work guys, thanks for the update.
  • I have great news. @newuser offered his help in maintaining PowerShell scripts. He was able very quickly figure out Yahoo changes and develop new scripts.
    Huge thanks to @newuser!
    We have now new scripts GetQuotes-Yahoo and GetQuotes-YahooIntraday that works with latest Yahoo changes. Please download new scripts from Download page.
  • Hi Vidas,
    Thank you and thanks to @newuser for developing the new script for Yahoo changes. Unfortunately, I did not get it to work. I still use v2 portfolio slicer and it seems that new script for v3 does not work for v2 portfolio slicer solution. Would you be able to update external data script also for v2 version? Thanks in advance!
  • @dinotuf i'm on v2 and it working for me, make sure you don't replace your psConfig.txt
  • @dinotuf - for v2 just download zip file and use 2 new scripts GetQuotes-Yahoo and GetQuotes-YahooIntraday
  • Hi Vidas & @newuser,

    I just downloaded and installed new scripts. All good with everything working. A special thanks to Vidas and now @newuser for keeping this incredible project up and running.
  • Thank you for confirming that it should work with v2. I have done according to your instructions, downloaded zip, switched GetQuotes-Yahoo and GetQuotes-YahooIntraday only, run the PSData.bat. I do get the updated rates, but looks like it is reading in incorrectly to txt file and then to quotes file. Looks like decimal sign is comma instead of dot. Also the stock ticker is missing. Please see pictures below where AAPL is as example. I would be grateful if you could tell me what could be wrong and potential solution.

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