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Yahoo quotes returning "Not Found (web err)" for all securities



  • After you encountered this error - please do not run script anymore.
    Can you please post here from Script\Log\GetQuotes-Yahoo.txt.
    Just need lines if they report any error and lines related to AAPL extract.

    For everybody who are still planning to run script - please backup Quotes folder before your run.
  • edited September 12
    I apologize in advance. In the Downloads section I do not see the new scripts. I see the old ones from April 2024 only.

    I now have found them, thank you for the updates
  • @dinotuf - I believe that you might be from the region, where Yahoo returns numbers with a dot instead of a comma.
    Please do following.
    1. Fix files in your quotes folder - remove all records with incorrect data.
    2. Backup your Quotes folder in case updated scripts do not fix the issue.
    3. Go to download page and get new version (2024-09-12!). If you do not see new version download, you might have to do CTRL+F5 to refresh cash.
    4. Extract updated 2 scripts
    5. Run scripts and test if your issue is fixed.
  • edited September 12
    A big thank you to @newuser for sharing your scripting knowledge to resolve the issue and to Vidas for co-ordinating the testing etc to keep this project back on track.

    I ran the new scripts and the quotes are working, but for some reason I keep getting the below error. Not sure if others are experiencing it?

    Below is the output from the log.
    15:24:19 --- Starting script GetExchRates-YahooIntraday.ps1
    Currency count: 2. MinDate: 2006-12-29
      Requesting url:
       - Not Found (web err) 
      Requesting url:
       - Not Found (web err) 
    15:24:20 --- Finished. CurrExch Requested/Succeed/Failed/Used: 2/0/2/0. Duration: 2 sec.. Date-Time: 
  • @MikeP - This error in GetExchRates-YahooIntraday is very old bug and has no impact. But if you download latest scripts (just published few min ago), you can also get that script and update on your computer and this error should go away.
  • I replaced all the scripts from the latest version. But same issue for the Currency Intraday quote file is not being created.

    I used the URL

    Getting the same JSON unauthroized error, I think this script also needs to be modified.

  • edited September 12
    Thanks @VidasMatelis and @newuser for all your work on fixing this. I've backed up entire folder, downloaded new scripts and put the 2 new Yahoo ones into my folder structure. Historical data is now working, however Intraday is not. I get the below error when running UpdatePSD.bat. After running this, the QuotesIntraDay folder is empty.

    Edit to add: Using V3
  • Thank you @VidasMatelis and @newuser for your work in updating the scripts so quickly. The historical data works great, and I still use v2.4. I experienced the same as @scope11, with the intraday script producing no rows. Also, about half my stocks pay dividends, so it would be helpful to have the Yahoo Dividends script updated, if possible. PortfolioSlicer has been an extremely useful tool and I appreciate that is is free. Thanks again.
  • Thanks to everyone working together to fix the issue with the quote updates. I can’t live without my daily quotes update !
  • Once again I am in awe of what people in this group can do. Thanks so much.
  • @newuser just sent me updated GetExchRates-YahooIntraday. Please get it from download page.
  • Intraday Quotes still not working for me, similar to xcerik above. I have nothing in my QuotesIntraDay folder at all.

    Log File - GetQuotes-YahooIntraday.txt is like below for every symbol.

    Symbol: VT. Next date: 2024-09-13. Quote file: C:\Users\Russ\OneDrive\Documents\Personal\Financial\Investments\PortfolioSlicerV3.0.0\Russ V2\PSDataExtract\Quotes\_VT_.txt
    Requesting url:
    Done: VT. No new quotes found.

  • @scope11: Please download updated scripts and replace your old scripts.
    Latest script on Download page is : v3_20240913 (2024-Sep-13).
    If you do not see that, you might need to refresh your browser, likely press CTRL+F5
  • Hi folks,

    I am using v2, tried updating the script with the new version provided and i am now getting weird errors:

    anyone can help ? I am completly lost...

    Thanks in advance!
  • edited September 13
    It appears that you updated .bat file with v3 files and now executing scripts that you should not be executing.
    Can you restore your v2 .bat files?
    Link to download old v2 scripts:
    Then replace .ps1 file with files from v3 scripts.
    Do not replace psConfig.txt file
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